报告题目:BBW ForWerts, an interdisciplinary graduate program on bioeconomy: Best practice and lessons learned
报告人:Thomas Rausch教授(德国海德堡大学)
报告题目:Lignin biosynthesis revisited: Lessons from Miscanthus
报告人:Thomas Rausch教授(德国海德堡大学)
Thomas Rausch教授,主要从事植物次生代谢产物分子生物学研究。现任德国海德堡大学高级研究跨学科联合中心主任,海德堡大学分子生命科学研究中心理事长,巴登符腾堡州生物经济研究生课程首席讲座教授;EIT健康联盟(健康生活与活跃老龄化)校长代表。Thomas Rausch教授长期从事植物分子生物学、植物次生代谢、木质素生物合成的分子控制等方面的研究与开发。先后在植物生理学、分子生物学、生物技术领域的著名SCI刊物--《Plant Cell》、《Journal of Plant Physiology》、《New Phytologist》等发表多篇学术论文,在植物次生代谢产物分子合成机制、微生物环境调控与生长作用机制等方面贡献突出,同时有多项技术已成功进行产业化开发与应用。近五年发表学术论文50余篇,指导32名博士和40多名硕士,与工业伙伴拥有多项专利。
1. Holl J, Lindner S, Walter H, Joshi D, Poschet G, Pfleger S, Ziegler T, Hell R, Bogs J, Rausch T. 2019. Impact of pulsed UV‐B stress exposure on plant performance: How recovery periods stimulate secondary metabolism while reducing adaptive growth attenuation. Plant cell & environment 42(10):801-814.
2. Wei H, Bausewein A, Greiner S, Dauchot N, Harms K, Rausch T. 2017. CiMYB17, a stress‐induced chicory R2R3‐MYB transcription factor, activates promoters of genes involved in fructan synthesis and degradation. New Phytologist 215(1): 281-298.
3. Wei H, Zhao H, Su T, Bausewein A, Greiner S, Harms K, Rausch T. 2017. Chicory R2R3-MYB transcription factors CiMYB5 and CiMYB3 regulate fructan 1-exohydrolase expression in response to abiotic stress and hormonal cues. Journal of experimental botany 68(15): 4323-4338.
4. Peskan-Berghöfer T, Vilches-Barro A, Müller TM, Glawischnig E, Reichelt M, Gershenzon J, Rausch T. 2015. Sustained exposure to abscisic acid enhances the colonization potential of the mutualist fungus Piriformospora indica on Arabidopsis thaliana roots. New Phytologist 208(3): 873-86.
5. Matern S, Peskan-Berghoefer T, Gromes R, Vazquez Kiesel RV, Rausch T. 2015. Imposed glutathione-mediated redox switch modulates the tobacco wound-induced protein kinase and salicylic acid-induced protein kinase activation state and impacts on defense against Pseudomonas syringae. Journal of Experimental Botany 6(7): 1935-1950.