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日期:2022-10-26 点击数:


报告题目:Plant to Shelves: Sustainability, safety and efficacy in the context of ethnopharmacology(parts 1)

报告人:Prof. Michael Heinrich(UCL School of Pharmacy, Univ. London,伦敦大学药学院)




会议号:926 5165 9993,密码:994543


报告题目:Plant to Shelves: Sustainability, safety and efficacy in the context of ethnopharmacology(parts 2)

报告人:Prof. Michael Heinrich(UCL School of Pharmacy, Univ. London,伦敦大学药学院)




会议号:926 5165 9993,密码:994543

Michael Heinrich,UCL药学院(伦敦大学药学院,1999-2011年)的民族药理学和药用植物研究(生药学)教授,英国药学科学院杰出研究员。曾担任UCL药学院“生物多样性与药物”研究集群的负责人(2017年之前),曾担任《药理学前沿》民族药理学专业主编,《民族药理学杂志》评论编辑(2014 - 2020年),《药学与药理学杂志》副主编,自2017年起,担任UCL研究伦理委员会的联合主席之一。多年来,该课题组一直致力于研究土著社区植物的当地用途,特别是在墨西哥、危地马拉和西班牙地区,以及抗炎天然产品。最近,所在团队的研究集中在全球化背景下的草药价值链(包括其对生计和产品质量的影响)以及草药在慢性病管理中的应用。自2000年以来,在中国、泰国和其他亚洲国家开展了多项研究合作,重点关注草药的药理作用和质量。在药用和食用植物研究的跨学科方面(尤其是生物活性天然产物)以及更广泛的文化和自然科学领域有多年的研究经验。Michael Heinrich研究发表在该领域的领先期刊上,迄今为止,已经发表了超过350篇论文(包括评论),该团队的工作被高度引用[约19100次引用,h指数70(谷歌学术,2020.10)]。


1.Beharry, Shruti and M. Heinrich (2018) Is the hype around the reproductive health claims of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) justified? Journal of Ethnopharmacology 211:126-170 (doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2017.08.003)

2.Bhamra, S.K., Parmar, J., Heinrich, M. (2021) Impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on the professional practice and personal well-being of community pharmacy teams in the UK,International Journal of Pharmacy Practicehttps://doi.org/10.1093/ijpp/riab062

3.Booker, A., D. Johnston, M. Heinrich (2016) The Welfare Effects of Trade in Phytomedicines: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Turmeric Production. World Development 77, 221–230.

4.Heinrich, M., A. Lardos; M. Leonti; C. Weckerle; M. Willcox with the ConSEFS advisory group (Wendy Applequist, Ana Ladio, Chun Lin Long, Pulok Mukherjee, Gary Stafford) (2018) Best Practice in Research: Consensus Statement on Ethnopharmacological Field Studies – ConSEFS Journal of Ethnopharmacology 211 329-339. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2017.08.015 (published 2017

5.Heinrich, Michael;Appendino, Giovanni; Efferth, Thomas,Fürst, Robert; Izzo, Angelo A.; Kayser, Oliver; Pezzuto, John M..; Viljoen, Alvaro (2020) Best practice in research – overcoming common challenges in phytopharmacological research. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 246, 112230;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2019.112230

6.Jennings, H.M., J L. Thompson, J. Merrell B. Bogin, M Heinrich* (2014) Food, home and health: the meanings of food amongst Bengali Women in London. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 10:44

7.Kum, K.Y., R Kirchhof, R Luick, M Heinrich (2021)Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) on the Global Market: What Are the Implications for Products’ Quality?Frontiers in Pharmacology, Sect. Ethnopharmacology 12, 621169. (doi: 10.3389 …

8.Lazarou, Rebecca and M. Heinrich (2019) Herbal medicine: Who cares? The changing views on medicinal plants and their roles in British Lifestyle. Phytother. Res. 10.1002/ptr.6431

9.Michl, J. H. M. Jennings, G. C. Kite, M. J. Ingrouille, M.S. Simmonds, M. Heinrich* (2013) Is aristolochic acid nephropathy a widespread problem in developing countries? A case study ofAristolochia indicaL. in Bangladesh using an ethnobotanical - phytochemical approach. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 149, 235–244. doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2013.06.028.

10.Scotti F., Löbel K., Booker A., Heinrich M (2018) St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) products – How variable is the primary material? Fr. Plant Sc. 9: 1973

11.Scotti, F., L Mou, C Huang, A Booker, C Weckerle, C Maake, M Heinrich (2021) Treating Chronic Wounds Using Photoactive Metabolites: Data Mining the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for Potential Lead Species Planta medica 87, 10.1055/a-1578-8778

12.Silveira, D., Prieto-Garcia, J.M., Boylan, F., Estrada, O., Fonseca-Bazzo, Y.M., Jamal, C.M., Magalhães, P.O., Oliveira, M., Tomcovidczyk, M., Heinrich, M. (2020) COVID-19: Is there evidence for the use of herbal medicines as adjuvant symptomatic therapy? Front. Pharmacol. 11:1479 | doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.581840
