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日期:2016-12-13 点击数:



   报告时间:2016年12月 19日 (星期一 )   14:30 ~ 17:00



   凌盛杰,博士,美国麻省理工学院土木与环境工程系博士后研究员。于2014年在复旦大学高分子科学系获得博士学位。博士期间曾作为国家公派联合培养博士生在瑞士苏黎世理工学院开展合作研究。近年来的研究领域主要包括:天然丝纤维和蚕丝蛋白聚合物的结构表征,蛋白质材料的自组装及其功能杂化材料,天然大分子以及重组蛋白质材料的仿生设计、制备和模拟。至今,凌盛杰博士已在Advanced MaterialsNano Letters等国际高水平学术期刊发表论文20余篇。


    Animal silks, produced by spider and silkworms, have attracted the attention of scientists and engineers for more than a century, not only because of their marvelous mechanical properties, but also owing to their diverse applications in textile, optical, and biomedical fields. In addition to in-depth studies of the physical properties and functionality of natural silks, experimental attempts were also made to functionalize silk-based materials. However, the power of silks is under great potential for further development. Dr. Ling is interested in studying the structure-function relationships of native silks by using synchrotron radiation and modeling techniques. He also focuses on developing the novel applications of silk nanofibril based materials. In this talk, He will introduce his researches in silk characterization and applications.
