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日期:2018-09-06 点击数:


           上午:8:30   下午:2:00

报告会地点:乐玩体育平台-(中国)科技公司, 成栋楼 1101会议室


尹润生博士,毕业于佐治亚大学森林资源经济学专业,美国密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)林业系和资源经济系终身副教授,同时是该校亚洲研究中心、国际发展研究中心的核心成员,曾担任中国生态系统政策研究所所长。担任Forest Science的副主编、Forest Policy and Economics的编委会成员、Environmental Management的特邀编委等。他是美国科学进步协会(American Association for the Advancement of Science)、美国经济协会(American Economic Association)、美国林业协会(Society of American Foresters)的成员。承担各类科研项目30余项,先后在Forest Policy and Economics,World Development, Forest Science, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,  Canadian journal of Forest Research等国际知名期刊上发表论文60余篇。研究领域涉及林业经济及管理、资源与环境经济政策、土地经济学等。


Day 1

Introduction to how to conduct scientific research and how to prepare a scientific manuscript.

Day 2

The governance and management of national forests—organizational and institutional reforms

Day 3

The governance and management of national forests—land allocation/management efficiency

Day 4

Forest ecosystem restoration evaluation: Impact evaluation methods and applications

Day 5

Forest ecosystem restoration evaluation: The National Forest Protection Program

Day 6

Non-timber forest products and services or land use/land cover change: detection and drivers 
