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日期:2018-11-06 点击数:

报告人:张凯 教授/博导 (德国哥廷根大学木材技术与木材化学课题组组长)

报告题目:Functional nanomaterials based on modified sustainable biomaterials(基于改性可持续生物材料的功能化纳米材料)



Sustainable biomaterials represent the most abundant raw materials on earth. A vast group of them is polysaccharides, which include cellulose, chitin and starch. Rather than monosaccharides, polysaccharides and their crystallized supermolecular structures provide readily applicable platforms for functional nanomaterials. Herein, novel functional nanomaterials derived from diverse sustainable biomaterials with smart and stimuli-responsive properties will be presented. These materials can be further transformed into diverse shapes ranging from particles to gels and membranes. For this purpose, chemical modifications and subsequent physical treatments demonstrate great tools for the functionalization, which leads to specific materials with particular material performance. In addition, novel physicochemical properties of these sustainable biomaterials will be discussed based on these functional materials.


2011年,在德国德累斯顿工业大学获博士学位;2011年至2012年在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学木质纤维素结构和形成中心做博士后;2012年德国达姆施塔特工业大学Soft Control – LOEWE Research Cluster担任研究小组组长;2015年至今受聘为德国哥廷根大学教授。2016年起任中国电子科技大学基础与前沿科学研究所客座教授。曾荣获 “2016年欧洲华人十大科技领军人才”称号。目前担任“Hydrogels”副主编;“Scientific Reports”和“Journal of Semiconductors”编委会成员;美国化学会(ACS)成员,德国化学会(GDCh)会员;德国纸浆与纸业化工学者与工程师协会会员,以及该协会纤维素与纤维素衍生物专委会委员,哥廷根大学科学院成员。目前承担德国科学基金会(DFG),德国科学基金会(DFG)资助的研究生院,德国下萨克森州科学与文化部项目,以及德国化学工业协会基金会资助的诸多项目。发表SCI论文50余篇,如Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie Int Ed, Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A等。课题组主页: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/513437.html