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日期:2018-11-16 点击数:

报 告 人:Chris Gaston副教授

报告题目1: Canada Forest Products Industry in Transition(加拿大转型期林产品工业)

报告时间:11月20日 上午9:00-11:00   

报告题目2: Economic Analyses of Canada Forest Resources Protection and the Global Forest Products Trade(加拿大森林资源保护与全球林产品贸易的经济分析)

报告时间:11月20日 下午14:00-16:00  


报告人简介:Chris Gaston is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia and past manager of the Markets & Economics Group at FPInnovations in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has degrees in Forestry Economics (Ph.D.) and Agricultural Economics & Business (B.Sc., M.Sc.) from the University of British Columbia and the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Chris has worked in both academics (teaching and research) and industry (management, consulting, research), with over 35 years’ experience in agribusiness and forestry. His research and consulting have focused on price-risk management strategies, market research, econometrics, and trade modeling. Recent research efforts have included value chain optimization and product development for Canada, the United States, Japan, China, and Europe, including for Aboriginal communities. Chris has co-supervised over twenty M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, as well as managing a national staff of markets and economics researchers for nearly two decades. He is also past Chairperson and active member of the “Team of Specialists for Forest Products Marketing” for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. He has published widely, and has spoken at conferences throughout the world.
